2 FREE Continuous Professional Development courses
If you would like to take advantage of this amazing offer click on the link below.
Select the course and complete details to express interest and submit. Learners will then be sent an email advising how to access the course. It is a really good offer and gives a recognised CPD (Continuous Professional Development) qualification. Most of the courses are only 4 hours duration
Unite the Union have developed the facility to provide members at HPC with a wide range of exciting Online Learning opportunities. We are pleased to advise during this time, we are able to extend the learning to all colleagues at HPC.
We have a range of Online Courses available to you and most of these are for FREE! Courses include:
Accredited Computer Courses (including beginners’ courses)
Computer Programming Courses
English Courses
First Aid and Fire Marshalls Courses (Not NNB approved)
Mental Health Awareness
Numeracy Courses
Photoshop Courses
Plus, many others
The Learning Project Teams will be able to offer online / phone support to enable you to
access and complete these courses.
For more information
Please speak to our Union Learning Organiser: tazim.ladhu@unitetheunion.org
continue scrolling down and select the click here button to be directed to our learning website